Lovely White Flower Wall

Embedding pure elegance and beauty, this floral arrangement is as versatile as they come. Comprised of white roses, hydrangeas, and peonies, our florists out did themselves with this one.

Add diamond accents to get the luxe and lush look your event is craving.

Weddings & Events.

Our most popular flower wall is of course, the lovely white color. It's a timeless and classy color that will be found forever at weddings.

We carefully selected the color and quality of our Lovely White flower wall knowing it will be seen by most of our customers, and we were not wrong.

Lovely White is a color that you can easily highlight and mix with many other colors. Amongst our favorite color to mix with white is gold.

Choose some gold plates, vases and cutlery, and your wedding theme is set.

Rental Accessories.

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